Emergency Withdraw

How to withdraw your fund in case the site is down

In case something happens to BloodySwap's frontend such as a DDoS attack or a temporary outage, farmers can still withdraw their tokens by directly interacting with the MasterChef contract.

Call the emergencyWithdraw function with the pool ID listed below to withdraw your staked tokens.

Guide to Emergency Withdraw

This guide will help you emergency withdraw your funds from any yield farm. When the UI is down on a Yield Farm, due to a technical issue, you can still withdraw your funds by interacting directly with the MasterChef contract on PolygonScan.

  1. Navigate to the MasterChef contract here;

  2. Connect your Web3 Wallet to the website;

3. Click on Write Contract; 4. Scroll down to emergencyWithdraw function;

5. Enter the PID of the pool you were in. You can determine your Pool ID based on the list in the beginning of this article. Once you find your pool submit the transaction.

Last updated